Kitchen Storage Solutions
About Me
Kitchen Storage Solutions

Because I’m an overly organized person, I detest clutter. Unfortunately, I have a small kitchen but love to cook. Therefore, I’ve sometimes struggled to find spaces to store my pots, pans, utensils, glasses, canned goods, bottled water, and spices. Thankfully, over the years, I’ve developed smart storage solutions for this important room in my home. If your kitchen is overflowing with clutter, consider investing in an inexpensive spice rack, pot rack, or portable kitchen island with built-in storage. You might also wish to rent a storage unit to place kitchen items you don’t use very often in. On this blog, I hope you will discover simple, affordable solutions to your kitchen storage needs. Enjoy!


Kitchen Storage Solutions

3 Factors Of A Storage Building Moving Estimate

Shelly James

When you move into a new home, you not only have the opportunity to take everything inside the home, but you could take large structures in your backyard as well. If you've spent years using the same shed on your property, you do not need to give the shed up. A storage building moving company can help you relocate your shed.

Before the move, you will receive a full estimate of the cost. Learn what factors go into the estimate and know what to expect when you seek out storage building moving services.

1. Size & Location

The size of the shed and the delivery location compose two of the biggest factors in your estimate. A moving company may have different trailers to cover different-sized sheds. If you have a larger shed, then a company may need to use a bigger trailer and charge more for the delivery.

The location of the delivery matters as well. A delivery across town will cost much less than a delivery to another state. The distance will play a big factor in the final cost of delivery.

2. Permit Needs

The transportation of a shed typically includes a wide load and may impact the flow of traffic in certain areas. For a company to transport those objects on public roads, they may need a permit. The permit will cover moving in certain areas. For example, individual states may require permits for the transport of the shed.

A transportation company with experience will know what permits to get and include the permit costs in the final estimate. Once you agree to the move, the transportation company will typically take care of all the permit filing needs to ensure everything goes smoothly.

3. Glass Windows

If you have a solid storage shed, then the shed can typically move without any major changes. If the storage shed includes glass windows, then a moving company may need to add protections to ensure the windows do not shatter or break. For example, the shed may need a complete cover. A company may add extra protection just over the glass.

The difference in charges will be made clear in the estimate and provide you with more accurate pricing. The extra costs will be far cheaper than the need to replace the glass windows if they were transported without protection and ended up shattering or smashing out.

Once you receive your moving estimate, you can read a breakdown of all the charges and understand where the full price comes from.
